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Any teacher will tell you the school year runs through cycles, much like seasons in a year.  Each year might bring new adventures, but old standards hold true no matter the age of the kids.

I'm pretty sure we've reached the season of Lost Respect.  This lovely time of the year normally arrives after winter break and continues through the cold and desolate month of February.  It is during this time that kids (and teachers) begin to forget about respect.  There's many different facets of respect, but the most important point remains this: respect is crucial for social and emotional learning within a building.

Many of my students are working on understanding exactly what it means to be respectful and identifying times when they are/aren't.  We understand that respect comes in many different forms  but forget how nuanced it can be, which is why I created reminders for students (and adults) to practice respectable behaviors using the strategies below.

I've just put together another poster set for RESPECT.  You can pick up a copy for yourself in my store.  And yes, it is completely free.  Each letter represents a strategy someone can use to show respect.  The seven ways represent each letter in the word (TIL).  Go grab a copy for your classroom or hallway bulletin board.

Grab a FREE copy here:  ALL ABOUT RESPECT

Obligatory Aretha shout-out:

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