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Project Based Learning Made Simple

Project based learning can be overwhelming- but it doesn't have to be. It's a critical component to learning that focuses on inquiry, student choice, and personalization while pulling in elements we face in the real world. One of my educational goals has been to create effective PBL activities that allow for complete personalization and differentiation for students and also making them manageable in the classroom (for everyone).

Turning topics and problems into engaging educational experiences is something I've wanted for students, that's why I'm excited to offer these resources to educators and students. These PBL activities are created by combining multiple academic subjects that work together, while allowing students (and teachers) ultimate flexibility. As you continue on, take a closer look at the resources to learn more.

Why is project based learning beneficial?
-Students are actively engaged in the work and solving the problem.
-PBL is cross curricular! It can work for all subjects.
-It allows students to be creative and imaginative
-It's for all types of learners. PBL is not just for talented and gifted students.
-Students have control over what and how they are going to solve an issue/problem.
"Project Based Learning can be transformative for students. By presenting students with a mix of choice and responsibility, cognitive concepts and practical activities, within an environment of real-world authenticity, projects engage students in learning that is deep and long-lasting." -The Buck Institute

Why do teachers use these resources for project based learning?
-Students learn and apply academic content in authentic ways.
-Critical thinking, creativity, and imagination are focal points.
-Students take control of their learning.
-Flexibility and tasks can be differentiated constantly.
-High engagement levels.


What are teachers saying?

"This has been an amazing tool to get my foot into the PBL world! My students are very active, and they have been very engaged with this. It is complete and thorough to give the students reading, math, science, and social studies practice." -Jacquenline T.

"My students loved completing these projects at the end of the year! It exposed them to so many different real-life projects and situations while at the same time practicing skills they learned throughout the year." -Hannah B.

"Your PBL units are a great way to break the monotony of district-required curriculum." -Heather N.

"I teach special education and the tasks were easily broken down and very engaging for my students." -Thibeault

"Extremely well put together and comprehensive resource that checks off a lot of learning objectives. The visuals are appealing as well." -teacher

"We used this after state testing and my students absolutely loved it. It was great to see their creativity." -Ryan B.

"I used this resource as an independent study project for students that understood our current learning, as a way for them to transfer and apply their knowledge. It is a great project, engaging, and thorough." -Kimberlee K.

"I really enjoying teaching with products like this. It is so meaningful to see my students excited about their work - well, they forget they are working - and they are disappointed when it's time to clean up. This is teaching the way it should be all the time." -Catherine H.



Project based learning can come in all shapes and sizes, and everyone does it differently based on their class and teaching style. If you're looking to start it, but aren't sure where to begin check out my top ten tips to get started in your classroom

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