Mathopolis: Building Cities with Geometry, Area, Perimeter, & Volume

City block by city block students will build their cities using area, perimeter, volume, geometry, and multiplication fact fluency to design Mathopolis.

This city will has everything:

-Project Based Learning & Real World Application

-Extensive math application of skills and differentiated levels depending on where students are.

-The ultimate way for student to show their knowledge of content and encourage while fostering creativity and imagination.

The objective of this project is for students to design and build a city MATHOPOLIS, while applying a variety of concepts including multiplication facts, understanding arrays, utilizing area and perimeter and volume while strengthening geometry skills. This project based learning activity also focuses on designing elements, using multiple problem solving skills, and collaborating in the classroom. It allows for differentiation, so students can work at a pace that pushes each one individually.

With this resource students WILL CREATE their own city of Mathopolis and each one will look different based on choices and decisions students make. When this resource is completed students will each have their own city with pieces that can be moved around. The class can also place their pieces together to create a gigantic MATHOPOLIS.

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